Conférence NPS

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Conférence NPS

5ème Conférence Internationale sur les Nouvelles Substances Psychoactives

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Le CEIP-A de Paris a présenté des données d’addictovigilance sur le CHEMSEX en France

Chemsex in France through addictovigilance network tools and researches

The emergence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) is a global phenomenon. Worldwide, the number of new substances reported each year is constantly changing.

Several of these substances, particularly synthetic cathinones, are used in sexual context to facilitate ou enhance sexual intercourse mostly among men who have sex with other men. That is called “Chemsex” in which SLAM phenomenon practice is a hard part.

In France, the first case of chemsex with mephedrone was notified to the French Addictovigilance Network (FAN) in 2009. The monitoring of chemsex phenomenon is one of the missions of the FAN which assesses the risks associated with this practice through various tools and studies.

We present a study based on an inventory of chemsex cases recorded in national database (nearly 200 cases over the period 2008-2017). These data are compared to different studies carried out in collaboration with French helpline “drogues info service”.

Lastly, we report the preliminary results of a regional study (Ile-de-France region) which the mean objective is to develop and validate a specific harm reduction program for slammers and chemsex participants. The study is based on toxicological analysis of NPS given by users.

All these studies evaluate the socio-economic data of users, the practices (route of administration, context), the NPS pharmacological and toxicological properties, their complications (infectious, cardiovascular and psychiatric complications …) and its incidence evolution since 2008.

The new harm reductions must be thought and considered from the knowledge of the SPA consumed and the different kinds of practice.